Frequently Asked Questions

When and where do you hold your choir practices?
You can view details about the choirs here.

Do I have to have sung before?
No. Sounds Choirs are non-auditioning choirs and as such, this could be your first time singing, or you could have been doing it your whole life. We have people from all walks of life, with all different capabilities. Our focus is to give you a fun and encouraging environment to sing.

Do I have to be able to read music?
No. All the songs we sing are taught a few lines at a time, using a sing and repeat method. Once you are a ‘full member’, you will also be given access to music files, that you can listen to in your own time to get familiar with the music.

Do you put on concerts?
Yes. A couple of times a year we love to get the choir involved in a concert. There is no obligation to commit to it, but most people enjoy performing at the end of a term. All of the proceeds made from our concerts go to a charity which has been picked by a choir.

How can I make up my mind whether I’d like to join as a member?
You can come along for a no-obligation taster session. Simply click ‘join us’ from the menu, then once you have registered, click on the box in the members section that says ‘Sign up for a taster session’

How much does it cost?
Once you’ve made the decision to join us, the fees for the term are £60 per person. You can pay by card or bank transfer.

Do I need to bring anything?
Refreshments (tea & coffee) are provided but we would be grateful if you could bring your own glass or mug. We’re trying to do our bit for the environment 🙂 We also have a sharing table. If you are happy to bring some nibbles with you thats great, and if you take something from the table please bring something to it.